

During the graduation in Food Engineering (UEM), I worked with the development of bakery products and sensory analysis (cookies and salted panettone), in addition to being a monitor in the unit operations discipline. I started my professional journey working in the quality area of a dairy industry, but I chose to deepen my knowledge through stricto sensu postgraduate courses. I have great experience with scientific research, having worked with mass transfer, specifically with the recovery of aromas from soluble coffee (Master in Food Engineering, UFPR) and effluent treatment (Doctorate in Food Engineering, UFPR), both using the adsorption process for mass exchange. I have experience in writing articles and reports. I worked as a volunteer in several events, the most challenging being the IV Food Technology Round (2015). I have great knowledge in statistical analysis, especially through the response surface methodology, having given lectures (Unicesumar-PG), courses (Granotec), as well as several tutorials and texts related to the topic. I have experience in MATLAB, R and mainly Python, having developed a Python computer program to evaluate experimental adsorption data (registered at INPI under the number BR512019001440-5, which can be viewed in these tutorials). I worked as a volunteer with the Núcleo de Estudos em Economia Social e Demográfica Econômica (Center for Studies in Social and Demographic Economic, NESDE) preparing time lapses to assist in the dissemination of COVID-19 information in the state of Paraná-Brazil, which can be viewed here. The partnership with NESDE resulted in a technical note regarding the strategies adopted by the Nordic countries regarding COVID-19, where all graphics and analyzes were done with Python well as some time lapses.


  • play chess;
  • play video games;
  • running;
  • read books;
  • learn;
  • watch series/movies;
  • cook;